Technology -Drawing the fine line

Living in the Digital Era

We live in a digital world, everything we need is available at the click of a button. In fact, the first thing that most of us grab as soon as we wake up is our phone. And that is our mirror to the world, from finding out what is going on to who is where our reliance on digital devices has grown to be much more than we had ever imagined. As adults, we believe that we know when to stop when to switch off the TV, put away the phone, stop using the computer, and so on. But is that really true? Probably not for most of us. However, while the impact that the digital world has on our mental well-being is huge, it can be even worse for children. Therefore, introducing them to technology and giving them access to it is a question that bothers a lot of parents. What is right and what is not, how much is acceptable and when does it cross the boundaries, setting limits, there are numerous issues that come along with the same. There are some things that should definitely be considered when children are given access to technology. 

Practice what you preach

Children learn what they see more than what they hear. If the adults around them are always using devices, despite telling them that they need to limit the time, children will ignore the words and follow the actions. It is important for parents to set the right example for children, considering that their actions have a stronger impact than their words. 

Is trust enough?

As parents, we trust our children, and rightfully so. However, the world of technology is deep and wide and children are curious by nature. We might set limits on what they can watch but if they are given free access without supervision, they may consider exploring more than they should. And this might lead to exposure to content that may not be age-appropriate, including violence, animal cruelty, etc. Their intent is based on curiosity, not ill will, however, this can do more harm than good. Therefore, it is not just important to monitor screen time, but also what they watch. Furthermore, research has established that children who have excessive exposure to violence in the virtual world may attempt to seek out these experiences in real life, and considering their inability to understand the repercussions of their actions, this can lead to disastrous situations.

Impact on development

It is an established fact that most brain development takes place before the age of three. Therefore, making these years interactive and engaging for children lays the foundation for their future. Now, if children spend this time in front of a screen, it can lead to a number of psychological and developmental issues. Considering this, the later the introduction to the digital world, the better it is.

However, living without technology is unthinkable. It is now an integral part of education and as time progresses the reliance on technology would only increase. Considering this, it is important to educate children about the perils that technology brings along. Also, it is important to establish a relationship with them so that they can use technology healthily and can have an open dialogue with their parents whenever needed. Armed with the right information, technology can be a boon!


Author: Latika Sakhuja
