The Mesmerising Electronic World

The electronic world is not just mesmerizing but also addictive. Spotting the signs of gadget addiction in children, right at the start, can ensure that we address it immediately. 

In the current times, our alarm clocks are on our phones and our schedule is monitored by applications. Gone are the days of looking for the perfect alarm clock and marking a physical calendar, we now live in a digital world. While we have slowly and gradually adapted to this world and have adopted it with caution, our children are growing up in an environment where they do not understand how we could have lived without these. A common question is “How did you coordinate a plan without a cell phone?” Followed by an incredulous, “What? You just waited till the other person reached?”

There is no question that gadgets have made life easier. However, as has been said “You can’t have a picnic without ants,” similarly, the digital world has two sides. The cases of digital addiction are on the rise and the effects seen in children range from affecting their behaviour and sleep patterns to issues like anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, lack of concentration. Most children learn how to use a phone even before they learn to talk. Therefore, in this situation, identifying the signs of digital addiction are important. Following are some red signals that may assist in identifying the problem:

Change in behaviour

Addiction to electronic devices usually begins to manifest in the form of change in behaviour. It may begin with argumentative behaviour followed by a break in the communication with the child. The child may also become sensitive and may overreact when having conversations about the importance of these gadgets in their life. Furthermore, if a child is forced to not use gadgets. He or she may start displaying withdrawal symptoms like mood swings and headaches. 

Disinterest in other activities

Gadgets offer a unique “high,” and this is the reason why they tend to be addictive. The addiction usually begins gradually but over time the child begins to lose interest in all other activities. This includes going out, playing with friends, all other hobbies and interests that they pursued.  

Constant conversations about technology

You may notice a shift in conversations, and the focus being primarily on technology, the games that they play, and the online interactions. This clearly signifies that the child’s interest in all other activities and interactions has decreased.

Stepping in right at the start and taking note of these warning signs can assist in dealing with the issue in an effective manner right at the start. Some simple ways to address this would be to involve your child in other activities, spend time with them, limit the number of gadgets in the house, explain the repercussions, and to model better behaviour. Armed with these, addressing gadget addiction may be difficult, but definitely not impossible. 
